Showing posts with label Game of Thrones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game of Thrones. Show all posts

Sunday 29 October 2017

Game of Thrones - Friendly Combat

GOT- Friendly Combat

The time is ripe for progress in the movie industry towards more gender equality as females are no longer considered the weaker sex. All those draconian producers and directors had better hurry up and catch up with the rest of the world, as women are gaining more prominence in a wide range of professions including the military.

In the male dominated industry of movies and TV series in generations past women were always portrayed as the damsel in distress that had to be rescued by their male counterpart, stealing the title of hero. Occasionally you would have the series such as Xena, The Warrior Princess, Star Trek Voyager, The Vikings, or Wonder Woman and other Sc Fi movies that would break the mold.

HBO’s Game of Thrones had its share of objectification of women at the start that turned many females in the audience off. Fortunately towards the end of the series all that changed. Main female characters displayed their authority, guts, grit and excellent fighting ability. Plausible role models that appeased the feminine increased the popularity of GOT. After all, an adventure story thrives on key characters’, male and female, with ability and stamina. 

In Season 7, episode 4, the friendly banter between Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie)

 and Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) 

thrilled many GOT fans. And we definitely want more. 

Here's the short  Video: 

Here’s more pics and a look behind the scenes:
